The year 2020 comes to a close and the Winter weather draws in. Road chipping has arrived and is being used to fill the potholes at the gate. It is a recurring job throughout the year, but made more essential in Winter as they holes fill fast with water more often. A lot of plot holders arrive on foot or cycling but we do have regular deliveries by truck and trailer of gardening supplies, manure and wood chip which puts a bit more stress on the rough road surface.
Weaste often have wood delivered with the wood chip which plot holders can dry and split for any wood burners they have on site or at home. A number of the logs also get turned into plant plot or mug stands, small seats and edging on the plot. Great to see them stacked next to the redeveloped bays – a success story for this year.
Roads not as wet
`The road has developed grass on top of the new surface laid earlier in the year. It seems to be holding up well to the torrential down pours that it has endured so far. Despite the low vehicle usage there are clear tracks laid down. Holding up to the Winter well though.
COVID 19 update
The second National lock-down started at the beginning of the month. Of course, Greater Manchester has been living on stricter measures (tougher tiers) for a long time now. Being able to produce their own food has been a real help to many. Everyone is getting used to the rules for self-isolating moving between Tier areas where that is allowed.
Plot holders continue to be able to get out to their plots throughout as food production is essential. Brussel sprouts and other goodies having been grown to create feasts for the holiday break. Allotments provide a place of respite from it all. Some plot holders have experienced the illness themselves or in their families, some are carers and key-workers, everyone has a story to tell about the pandemic.
Safety measures remain in place at the allotment site, with disinfectant at the gate and gel in the community room. People are encouraged to travel to the site safely and only with their household. Plot etiquette asks that they stay on their own plots.
It’s another year where there will not be a face-to-face end of year social get together in person. The Plot holders only Facebook group has been active as plot holders share hints, tips and advice on growing. It has helped the community feel connected.