Reason: The allotment site has two toilets which are narrow, with low rise seats and slide bolt latches. They are not easy to access for people who have reduced dexterity or strength.
Aim: A toilet facility which will enable more plot holders who may require accessible toilet facilities to join the association. Also not to become one of the stars of Futurebuild – Non-accessible accessible toilets.
How: Plans will need to be created and an outside plumbing contractor brought in. A flat path will need to be created for access. The plot holders self-manage the cleaning and stocking of toiletries ongoing.
Where: An area at the end of the Community Hut could be repurposed to allow a 1.5 x 1.5 m manoeuvring space outside an outward opening door on the WC, and inside consideration given to Part M of the Building Regulations and BS830 for guidance on the design.
We are seeking donations of appropriate plumbing materials and time or will need to obtain a grant to fund the project. We are in discussions with Salford CVS about appropriate funding opportunities arising in 2022.
The work needs to be completed in 2022 to complement our #BeEasyAccess plots. Up-dates will be available in News and on our Facebook Page use tag #AccessibLoo. This will bring the current allotment site further towards more accessiblity for all, before we move into the #Grow4All Project where we will need to find funding, skills and assistance to improve the internal roads, parking whilst increasing the number and types of plots available to the Salford community.